My photographic idiom is all about the marco. I love revealing the smaller universe around us and show new angles on the world that we live in that would otherwise go unseen. Some of my favorites are of nature and flowers looking up to monumental piece of architecture. It really messes with your sense of scale but also is an interesting commentary on the odd mix of nature and the city that we currently live in. Usually, I try to leave out people so that I have complete control over your since of placement in the photo but that is not to say it can’t still be done. Another one of my favorite photos was taken recently when I was slacklining with my new Barcelona friends. It is taken directly up the slackline pointing at Ed. The lines on the slackline shoot you straight at him but the angle is such that he appears to be a giant balancing on the end of this massive rope! All-in-all I just enjoy messing with people and shoving new ideas and perspectives at them, whether they like it or not.
interesting photos! What rhetorical choices did you make? - and what effect did you hope to achieve? (or what effect/affect did you achieve whether intended or not?) what techniques evoked such affect/effect in these evocative photos? Lots going on in these shots...